Temperature Prediction and Pressurization Design for Vertical Shaft

Predict vertical shaft temperature just before a fire starts

* Vertical shaft temperature variable - Weather factors: ambient temperature, wind, sun position - Architectural factors: location of the vertical shaft in the building (center, edge), leakage characteristics of the vertical shaft, insulation characteristics of the building - Thermal factors: outside air entering the building, heating load, cooling load, people, thermo-equipments * Vertical shaft temperature prediction method - Option 1: Using EnergyPlus program, https://blog.naver.com/hbscd/222929116510 - Option 2: Reflect the contents of EN 12101-13 (2022), clause 8.2.2 in the domestic TAB procedure --> Reflect the temperature of buildings of similar use and scale

Prediction of temperature according to pressurization of vertical shaft after fire * Vertical wind temperature variable - Weather factors: outside air temperature, wind, sun position - Architectural factors: location of the vertical shaft in the building (center, edge), leakage characteristics of the vertical shaft, insulation characteristics of the building - Thermal factors: outside air entering the building, heating load, cooling load, people, thermo-equipments - Air supply: supply and (or) exhaust volume flow rate for a specific area * Vertical shaft temperature prediction method - Option 1: According to equation 10.1 from 'Handbook of smoke control engineering', page 231 - Option 2: Using the 'EnergyPlus' program * Supply air volume flow rate calculation method - EN 12101-13(2022) : Supply 2-3 m/s of fresh air in vertical wind direction - Laboratory proposal: cooling/heating of the vertical draft temperature to a temperature that minimizes the grinding effect problem by supply air before the evacuation start time according to the building characteristics - Combining CONTAM and EnergyPlus

* Reference: ASHRAE, Zone Temperature by ventilation in CHAPTER 16 - VENTILATION AND INFILTRATION, 2017 ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals (SI)

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