Understanding the three CONTAM simulation methods of smoke control systems

1. General manual simulation

  1. Building structure design  
  2. Duct element design and various loss coefficient setting 
  3. Constant volume model applied to supply fan & performance curve model applied to exhaust fan  
  4. Simulation by senarios[STP, Minimum ambient temp.(Midwinter), Maximum wind velocity ambient temp., Maximum ambient temp.(Midsummer)] 
  5. Validate  
  6. Finalize fan specification  
  7. Create report

2. Enhanced manual simulation 

Simulation by applying performance curve model to supply fan from 'General manual simulation' results 

3.Automation simulation 

Apply control functions to automation equipments(Smoke control damper, Fan volume flow rate control damper, etc) and perform 'Enhanced manual simulation' 

* Back to Main Procedures : General COMTAM Simulation Procedure for Pressure differential system(Mainly High-rise building) (contamsmulationlab.blogspot.com)


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