Graphical User Interface and Status bar

 1. Graphical User Interface Commentary

2. Status Bar

The status bar, shown in the following figure, is the area that appears below SketchPad at the bottom of the main window. This area is divided into three separate panes that display different information depending on the current mode of SketchPad.

ContW 2.4 now provides a more convenient means of reviewing icon information by providing a status bar that appears in the caret (the blinking square in SketchPad when working with ContamW) area whenever you select a particular icon on the screen. This is similar to the tooltip that appears when you hover over a toolbar button with the Windows cursor. This feature can be turned on and off via View → Floating Status Bar or Ctrl+Ttooltip.

Left window

This pane always displays the type and number of building component icons, such as zones, routes, air conditioning systems, etc.

In Normal mode, the leftmost pane displays summary information for the currently highlighted cell or icon.

In Results mode, the leftmost pane displays the results of the currently highlighted icon. For zones, this includes temperature and pressure relative to the ambient pressure at the altitude where the zone is located. For duct junctions and terminals, this shows the temperature and static pressure relative to the zone where the joint or terminal is located. For paths and duct segments, shows airflow and pressure drop across the path or segment, with symbols indicating the direction of flow (>, <, ^, V). For a simple air conditioning system icon, shows the outside airflow, recirculation airflow, and exhaust airflow for the implied flow path.

View →Options...  You can control many of the display units by selecting the SI or IP system for the units in the Project Configuration properties, which can be accessed via the menu command.

  • Zone(46) : zone number 46
  • R4 : Zone Name
  • B2F : Level Name
  • Tconst : Zone's Constant value, temperature 
  • Vol : Zone volume
  • Area : Total area of the current zone at the time of setting the zone
  • Ht : Floor Height
  • {area : Total area of the current zone modified after setting the zone

Center window

In Normal mode, the center pane indicates the location of the currently highlighted icon or cell in SketchPad coordinates (numbered from the upper left corner). 

In Results mode, the center pane shows the current simulation time step at which results are displayed.

Right window

The far right pane shows the name and number of the current level and the total number of levels in the project.

* Back to Main Procedures : General COMTAM Simulation Procedure for Pressure differential system(Mainly High-rise building) (


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